Weight loss, Dermapen®, Skincare


Naturopathic Nutrition has similar principles to Functional Medicine and also has its own unique statements:

  • Work with the healing power of nature, trusting the body’s inherent powers of recovery.
  • Your therapist is also a teacher – educating people in the art of self-care and the steps they need to take to achieve optimal health.
  • Food selection, preparation and eating is a healing art.
  • A therapist should use the most natural, least toxic and invasive therapies first.
  • Optimizing healthy energy levels.
  • Supporting healthy weight.
  • Optimizing a healthy endocrine system (e.g adrenal glands/system, thyroid gland and more).
  • Promoting emotional and psychological well-being.
  • Supporting a healthy immune system function.
  • Support for coping with the pressures of modern lifestyles.
  • Supporting healthy female hormonal systems and life stages (e.g menstruation, menopause).
  • Supporting healthy fertility and pregnancy.
  • Optimizing gastrointestinal health to promote healthy digestion.
  • Helping to promote tolerance to a wide range of foods or food groups.
  • Supporting routes of elimination and detoxification (the colon, the kidneys & bladder, the lymphatic system, the liver and more).


Common Conditions


Acne, Eczema, Hives, Rosacea

Allergies, Asthma, Sinusitis, Rhinitis

Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Depression

Arthritis and other Pain Disorders

Cardiovascular Diseases and High Cholesterol

Digestive Complaints

Crohn’s, IBS

Food Allergies/Intolerances

Insomnia and adrenal fatigue

Chronic Fatigue

Menstrual Irregularites,

Hormonal Imbalance,

Infertility, PCOS

Smoking secession


Thyroid Disorders

Weight loss